Intelsat 15 - FTA TV Channels Frequency List

This info on » Klik Do about » » » Intelsat 15 - FTA TV Channels Frequency List,~ Free satellite tv FTA frequencies on Intelsat 15 position located in 85.2°East longitude, below is a list of latest channels television frequency.
Intelsat 15 Satellite TV Freq list of FTA channels, new freq chart that you can use for TV channel on digital video broadcasting satellite tv receivers (DVB) in your house to watch your favorite television channels.

Last updated on 2013/03/03

Channels Name  : Alsumaria
Frequency        : 10965
Polarity            : H
S / R - FEC       : 1800 - 7/8
Sys Encryp       : DVB-S/FTA

Channels Name  : AlHoja Network  (New)
Frequency        : 11494
Polarity            : H
S / R - FEC       : 2130 - 3/4
Sys Encryp       : DVB-S/FTA

Channels Name  : Al Masar TV
Frequency        : 11504
Polarity            : H
S / R - FEC       : 2500 - 3/4
Sys Encryp       : DVB-S/FTA

Channels Name  : Bashkirskoe Sputnikovoe TV, Kuraj TV
Frequency        : 12515
Polarity            : V
S / R - FEC       : 3353 - 3/4
Sys Encryp       : DVB-S2/MPEG-4/FTA

Channels Name  : Otkritiy Mir, 8 Kanal, Astro TV, Vsegsa s Toboy, SGA TV, Nano TV
Frequency        : 12526
Polarity            : V
S / R - FEC       : 13930 - 5/6
Sys Encryp       : DVB-S2/MPEG-4/FTA

Channels Name  : Perviy Obrazovatelniy
Frequency        : 12536
Polarity            : V
S / R - FEC       : 2966 - 3/4
Sys Encryp       : DVB-S/FTA

Channels Name  : Uspeh, TV Centr, TV Mall
Frequency        : 12600
Polarity            : V
S / R - FEC       : 30000 - 2/3
Sys Encryp       : DVB-S2/MPEG-4/FTA

Channels Name  : Telekanal Zvezda
Frequency        : 12640
Polarity            : V
S / R - FEC       : 30000 - 5/6
Sys Encryp       : DVB-S/FTA
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